So many things can change in a matter of months; the seasons change and priorities change, but there’s one thing every SMITE fan can always count on: rosterpocalypse.
As we’ve been doing since Season 3, we’re keeping an eye on the chaos that is team changes between seasons in the SMITE Pro scene. During the Spring S4 Rosterpocalypse, we saw the break up and reformation of several teams, including the departure of top org Team EnVyUs, 2017 Masters winners Obey’s formation, and the creation of the team known as In Memory of Gabe Trifecta.
Instead of using a timeline this time around, we’re going to list each team in the NA and EU regions and the roster changes. If and when the teams change – this article will reflect those changes (noted in bold or crossed out if applicable).
Are you on a team (or work with an org in an official capacity) and want to send us a team change notice or correction? Get in touch here.
The 2017 SMITE Pro League Summer Split begins on Thursday, May 25th.
North America
Team Eager Team AI
- Spring: Zapman, Aror, TheBest, djpernicus, Divios
- Summer: Zapman, Aror, TheBest, sam4soccer2, Divios
- Summer (6/3/2017 Zapman steps down) Xenotronics, Aror, TheBest, ElChapo, Divios
- Spring: BaRRaCCuDDa, JeffHindla, Baskin, Mask, ScaryD
- Summer: BaRRaCCuDDa, JeffHindla, Baskin, Mask, ScaryD
- Spring: PandaCat, PainDeViande, Khaos, Varizial1/Scream, Benji
- Summer: PandaCat, PolarBearMike, Khaos, Varizial1/Scream, Benji
SoaR Gaming Monkey Madness SpaceStation Gaming
- Spring: Vetium, Jigz, andinster, Homiefe, fineokay
- Summer: Vetium, Jigz, andinster, Homiefe, fineokay
In Memory of Gabe Trifecta
- Spring: Snoopy, Eonic, Hurriwind, Cynosure, Whalrus
- Summer: Snoopy, Eonic, Hurriwind, Cynosure, Kikisocheeky
Team Allegiance
- Spring Split: Oceans, PolarbearMike, Metyankey, Weak3n, CycloneSpin
- Spring Gauntlet: Oceans, Vivianx3, Metyankey, Weak3n, CycloneSpin
- Summer: Oceans, Neirumah, Metyankey, Weak3n, CycloneSpin
Flash Point
- Spring: Aquarius, Mirage, Incon, XenoTronics, Shadowq
- Summer: Sops, Shadowq, sheyka, Mirage, DanteLeFargo
Noble eSports
- Spring: Uzzy, elchapo, MLCst3alth, Wowy, Wubbn
- Spring Relegations: Aquarius, Copebby, MLCSt3alth, Wowy, Wubbn
- Summer: Wowy, Wubbn, MLCst3alth, Skeeledon, Aquarius
Obey Alliance
- Spring: Ataraxia, EmilZy, PrettyPriMe, CaptainTwig, maniaKK
- Summer: Ataraxia, EmilZy, PrettyPriMe, CaptainTwig, maniaKK
Team Dignitas
- Spring: Arkkyl, Trixtank, Zyrhoes, QvoFred, Variety
- Summer: Arkkyl, Trixtank, Zyrhoes, QvoFred, Variety
NRG Esports
- Spring: emilitoo, iRaffer, Yammyn, Adapting, Dimi
- Summer: emilitoo, iRaffer, Yammyn, Adapting, Dimi
- Spring: Xaliea, Cherryo, Lawbster, Funballer, BigManTingz
- Summer: Funballer, BigManTingz, Lawbster, Faeles, Duck3y
Team Rival
- Spring: Vote, KaLaS, Wlfy, iceicebaby, Deathwalker
- Summer: Vote, KaLaS, Wlfy, iceicebaby, Deathwalker
- Spring: Jermain, Dardez, Nulisa, Nika, N0Numbers
- Summer: Jermain, Dardez, Nulisa, Nika, N0Numbers
- Summer (week 2): Jermain, Dardez, Nulisa, Cherryo, N0Numbers
The Papis
- Summer Relegations: Warchi, Dracomarino, Ojoboom, Dheylo, Icreedx
- Summer: Warchi, Dracomarino, Ojoboom, Dheylo, Icreedx
Optimus Gang Burrito Esports
- Spring Gauntlet: Sibi, Gorgonzolla, Tynz, Cosmic, Hoek
- Summer Relegations: Sibi, Dzoni, DeathPanter, Kespainify, Fusify
- Summer: Kespainify, Fusify, DeathPanter, Dzoni, Sibi