Another opportunity for college video game players is coming up soon: Vainglory is joining with Collegiate StarLeague (CSL) for a competition for college players at PAX East. Following the popular Heroes of the Dorm competition and the AVGL Collegiate Leagues, Super Evil Mega Corp, the company behind the mobile MOBA Vainglory is also offering opportunities for amateur players to earn money for high level play.
The first collegiate Vainglory competition will be in Boston, MA at PAX East and will feature teams from Boston University, UMass Amherst, UMass Lowell and Westfield State University. The single elimination bracket tournament kicks off on Sunday, April 24th, at 1:30pm on the Twitch Stage at the Boston Convention Center. Folks at home can watch the Collegiate Vainglory Exhibition Those live on twitch.tv/twitch.
Learn more about the Collegiate StarLeague here