What We Learned
The Bald Eagle is gonna soar. After a win with OpTic last week as a sub, Adam “KiLLa” Sloss made his Call of Duty World League debut as an official member of Dream Team. DT is currently at the bottom of the league, but tonight they turned it around by winning three maps in a row to take the series against TK 3-2. After the match, KiLLa tweeted that he had been knocked offline during the match and had to switch routers, leaving his teammates to play 3v4.
Orbit are in a free fall. They went from being the winningest team in all regions to losing four matches in a row. What has come unstuck for the team, and what do they need to do to regain their spot at the top of the ANZ league? After two fairly close losses, they got the hot 3-0 from Mindfreak last week, and today’s sweep from 4th placed Team Immunity was also unexpected.
Maybe we need a mercy rule for Uplink. PuLse are languishing at the bottom of the EU league with an 0-13 record and just two map wins to their name. Today they got one of those map wins by taking the Hardpoint from Vitality. On the next respawn map, Evac Uplink, Vitality had their revenge, going on a rampage and defeating PuLse 38 to 1. Ouch.
Scores (Updated throughout the day)
ANZ Region
Mindfreak 3-0 Chiefs
Exile5 1-3 Apotheon
Immunity 3-0 Orbit
Tainted Minds 3-1 Nv
EU Region
Millenium 3-1 TCM Gaming
Epsilon eSports 3-0 Giants Gaming
PuLse Gaming 1-3 Vitality
Splyce 1-3 exceL eSports
Team Infused 3-1 Team LDLC
NA Region
H2k 0-3 CLG
compLexity gaming 2-3 Team EnVyUs
Team eLevate 1-3 OpTic Gaming
Team Kaliber 2-3 Dream Team
FaZe Clan 3-2 Luminosity Gaming
Rise Nation 3-1 Team SoloMid