Kim Newsome
Founder/Editor in Chief
Twitter: @KimNewsome
“My background is in traditional sports journalism, but after writing esports articles for major national and international news outlets, I wanted to write for an esports-specific site where I could focus on content for real fans, would-be fans and the players themselves.
So I made an organization. Welcome to Esports Source.
This site/community is a passion project, not a profit-maker. I hope we can help usher in a wave of diverse, intelligent and thoughtful esports journalists to set the standard for years to come.
As games go, I am terrible at playing most esports titles (Minecraft builds are more my speed), but I’ve been a massive fan since watching my first StarCraft tournament live at Blizzcon in 2010.”
Favorite Esports: SMITE, Call of Duty, Street Fighter V, World of Warcraft Arena
Andrew Salazar
League of Legends Correspondent
Twitter: @urbrodrodroo
“I’m a former professional Yu-Gi-Oh TCG player who was introduced to League of Legends in 2011. When it comes to personalities, storylines, and spectacle, esports draw me in like few other topics do. It amazes me that this once niche, basement hobby is beginning to compete with the cultural impact of professional sports, and it’s a real joy to examine where this industry will go.
You can typically find me cursing at my monitor while playing support in League of Legends.”
Favorite Esports: League of Legends, Hearthstone, Super Smash Bros.
Cade Pritchett
General Esports Correspondent
Twitter: @memealittlememe
“I’m a former FPS player with an interest in the FGC and the business of making games. I first got into competitive gaming while watching my older brothers hold LAN parties at our house for Quake and later, Halo. I’d love to enter the tournament-running side of esports eventually and bring it all full circle. For now, I’m happy to write about esports business.”
Favorite Esports: Smash, Street Fighter V, Halo
David Key
“A software engineer by day and an avid gamer by…day. I produce general gaming content for the ES Youtube channel, and I’m responsible for behind the scenes site upkeep. I got Kim into competitive Call of Duty by accident a few years ago, so I’m probably the real one to thank for all of this.”
Favorite Esport: Rocket League